What can cause your child to get kicked out of their high school?

On Behalf of | Sep 12, 2023 | Student Defense

High school brings its set of challenges for both parents and students. Imagine the stress when you learn that your child might face expulsion from their Florida high school. Such a drastic action can alter a student’s educational path and future opportunities.

Florida has set clear guidelines and policies that outline the reasons a student might lose their place in high school. Knowing these can help parents and students act preemptively and prepare for potential consequences.

Violation of zero-tolerance policies

Florida high schools enforce zero-tolerance policies for certain offenses. Students who possess weapons on school property or during school-sponsored events or who commit a violent crime face expulsion.

Drug and alcohol offenses

A 2017 study of a Florida school district found that over 30% of students bought or sold drugs on the school property. If a student sells, distributes or possesses drugs or alcohol on school property or at school events, they risk expulsion. Florida schools have adopted a strict stance on substance abuse to ensure all students study in a safe environment.

Chronic misbehavior

A single minor infraction might not result in expulsion, but repeated offenses can. Students who consistently disrupt the learning environment or show disrespect to authority can face expulsion if the school documents multiple offenses.

Bullying or harassment

Florida high schools do not tolerate bullying and harassment. Expulsion awaits students who engage in regular physical, verbal or digital bullying, especially if these actions cause significant harm.

Academic dishonesty

Cheating on exams or plagiarizing puts students at risk. Schools strive to instill integrity in students, and those who betray this trust, depending on the act’s severity and frequency, might face expulsion.

Property damage

Students who intentionally damage school property or engage in vandalism can get expelled. Such actions not only show disrespect for the institution but also can lead to additional fines.

Knowledge is power. Talk openly with your child about how their actions can have consequences. Review the school’s handbook or code of conduct with them regularly to ensure they know the rules and possible repercussions. If your child faces potential expulsion, work with school administrators to understand the reasons fully and discuss alternative solutions.

